Wednesday 3 August 2011

Lolita Is Opening Now !

      Today is Lolita opening day ! I know that some peoples want to join Lolita. So, Joane and I decided to open Lolita to let some of the peoples join it. But you need to follow the rules ! 

How to Join :
  • Add Joan on facebook and leave a message. " I'm Joining Lolita. "
  • Simply like our Fanpage, Asuka_Joan x Asuka_Joane
  • Post your picture with your Pico name and wearing your best Lolita Dress.
  • Put your Pico Name , YOUR Blog link ( if you have a blog ). Don't forgot to write down your country. 
  • If your picture already added to the Lolita Members  means you already joined ! If you have a blog, don't forgot to post it at your blog ! 
Rules Of Lolita 
1) Just Asυкα_Jσαn and Asυкα_Jσαne can recruit new members.

2) Please inform Asυкα_Jσαn if you change your name or looks 
3) All Girls Members should have " Lolita " outfit 
4) Pls always check the Fan Page and URL( blog )
5) Remember: " Lolita is not a simple Family ". If you Ignore by us to be a member in Lolita, don't be sad because this is not a simple family !! :)
6) Don't mad of us if you Ignore by us to be a Lolita 

It's ok to change my name or looks ?
- It's ok. But you need to tell Asυкα_Jσαn that you already change your looks/name.

What can I tell Asυкα_Jσαn when I change my looks/name ?
You can send her a message on Facebook or Pico. 
Example : I already change my name. 
             Old Pico name > Pan Cakes 
             New Pico Name > Pizza 

I already posted my Pic and Pico ID at Lolita FanPage. Why I can't see it at the album ?
- Please give us sometimes to add your picture in it. Your picture will me placed in the album. 

I can't search Asυкα_Jσαn's Facebook. What should I can do now ?
-If you can't find Asυкα_Jσαn's Facebook, try to send message to her Pico. Her Pico ID is                " Asυкα_Jσαn " 

Why Asυкα_Jσαn/Asυкα_Jσαne write I can't join Lolita ?
-We are so sorry for doing that. Maybe you din't have Lolita Dress ? 

If I already joined Lolita, but I also joined another Family. Do I need to quit that Family ?
- It's fine if you joined 2 families. But you can't join 3 families. You just can join 2 families. 

-Lolita Sisters
Asuka_Joan x Asuka_Joane

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