Wednesday 31 August 2011

Dream Castle Room Contest

      Hey there friends ! Ready to join the Photo Contest ? Well, here is the details. 

.: Dream Castle Room Contest :.

Take a picture of you and your room with a castle that you made and share it with us !!

 Date of Entry: from 08/31/2011 (Wed.) until 09/06/2011 (Tue.)

 Date of Announcement: We will announce the 10 selected nominees on 09/08 (Thurs).

Photos of 10 selected nominees will be posted on  Ameba Pico World facebook fan page Photo Album.
All the users can chose one of the best photos they like by clicking “LIKE” buttons!

 Prize: 3 photos with the highest numbers of “likes” by 09/12 (Mon) GMT will be receiving…

1000 AmebaGold!!

 Ways to do it:
  • for facebook Pico users
  1. Make sure you become a fan of Ameba Pico
    visit the link below and simply click “Like” button while you are logged in to facebook.
  2. Take a photo with Pico camera, save it to your facebook album or your PC.
  3. Post a picture to the Ameba Pico fan page wall with your Pico name!
  • for non facebook Pico users
b. If you don’t have a facebook page but have your own blog
  1. If you have a blog, take a photo with Pico camera and save it to your PC.
  2. Post the photo to your blog or homepage with a comment about your Pico life, how you are enjoying Pico.
    *be sure to include your Pico nick name you would like the rewards to be credited to. (do not change your Pico Nickname)
  3. Comment on this blog with a link of your blog page, the page you posted your Pico photo.
    *be sure Thomas or Chloe can post a comment.
  • Must be original; make sure it is YOU in the photo.
  • Abide by Ameba Pico’s Terms of Service.
  • Must be appropriate for all ages to view.
How to take a good photo:

Good Luck for buying you're Cinderella's suit and join the Photo Contest !

-Lolita Sisters
Asuka_Joan x Asuka_Joane 

Castle of Your Dreams

Pico has just released a new Castle ! Hey friends, do you love castles that in the Cinderella Story ? Joane and I very love it. You also can get the Cinderella's suit through the gacha that in this park.

Of course there also can't missing the shop too !

Wish you got you're Cinderella's suit and join the Photo Contest ! 

-Lolita Sisters 
Asuka_Joan x Asuka_Joane

Friday 26 August 2011

See you after 5 days !

      Well, I will go Singapore tommorow for 5 days trip. I will not post at here for 5 days. And Joane also I think.... I'll just be back after 5 days. I will really miss you all and my sisters, brother and all my family in Pico and my friends. Miss ya guys ~ !


Alphabet Themed Shop

     Hey there ! Do you love Ameba Pico ?
Pico also released a new park !

For now, Ameba Pico only have ABC LOVE PICO alphabet cubes

but more of them are coming sometime soon !

Get creative and decorate them in your room!

Items :

Pico also have more cute alphabet items in the shop !!

Well, this is my last post ! I will post more on another weekends ~ ! 
Busy ... Busy ...


Celebrity Rider’s Gacha is Released

This gacha almost same Police ? I'm not so sure. Well, I'm not really love it. Too black X_X

Items :

Of course when you get the items, and you will also get a item ! 


Good Luck !


O.e. Joane put my pic. I think when I'm AFK and she take it X_X Joane ........


Free Rooms .....

       Actually just now I want to post the PRB's Important post and I told Joane to help me post it cuz I gonna AFK for a few minutes. And now, I'm back from my AFK/BRB. And I also visited Etoile's blog too. There also a post and the post title, Free Rooms.

Click HERE to see the post.


PRB's Important News ?

      Well just now, I just visited Etoile's blog. I saw there was a post and the title of the post is " PRB's IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Please Read ". This post is about the the Etoile's King, White account was Reported by a people. I just wanna tell you all about this.

If you want to see the post, Click here to see it. 


Thursday 25 August 2011

World Chef Park

Ameba Pico just released a new park ! In this park, you can buy you're World Chef T_Shirt and World Chef Mini Hat. You can learn to cook different country foods and build you're own design rooms and won you're own money !

 " You can be your own chef in World Chef and use your Pico to make  food from around the world.
With decoration style that range from Patio BBQ furniture to Sushi bars,
you can design and customize your cafe to your liking with styles from around the world !

To celebrate World Chef, we are opening a new park in Ameba Pico, the World Chef Park !
Come try out the special clothes and items we have created ! "

  By : Captain Thomas

Don't miss the World Chef items that you can buy it through you're gummies !

So, don't miss it ! 


Native American Items are BACK

Native American items are back in Western Area !!!

Items :

Find these items in Cowboy Park !!! 


Wednesday 24 August 2011

Happy Birthday Dad ~ !

      Just now, Joane, mum and I just celebrated dad's Birthday in Pico. Sorry for the amount of the people for celebrating your Birthday Dad. I can't find more friends that time cuz mum and dad will offline after 15 minutes. 
Well the pic just below :

Some of the members of Lolita and the others also asked me about that mum and dad have AmebaGold or not. Actually,they din't have. They told me that they din't always online so it is too wtase. 

Although mum and dad din't have AG, we will also respect as our real parents. 


~ Mum's Room ~

Just now, mum also told Joane and me to visit her room. She said that she already decor it again her room. 

* Click the pic to view larger. * 

I very love mum's new decor. It's so nice exspecially is the stage. But dad's room din't decor it again but he said that he will decor it if he have enough time to. 


Tuesday 23 August 2011

Cheat Tools

      Just now, I just went to MaiRie's room and visit Mai. At there, a saw a boy that are using Cheat Tools and his name is " SᴜʙϟFᴏᴄᴜs ". Check it the link below. This is the link that Banned Pico For Using Cheat Tools. Do you really want to be banned ? I think you don't wanna. So please don't use it !!

-Lolita Sisters
Asuka_Joan x Asuka_Joane


Hello there ! Just now, Angel told me that she have exam soon. Hey guys ! Actually do you hate exam ?
Please answer this question beside. The expired of this question is on 1/9/2011. Wish you answer it. I always heard about they hate exam from my friends and cousins. Well I also hate exam too. Maybe Joane also ? I will ask her soon and I'll post at here !

I just wish that Angel can get good marks in her exam ! Good Luck sis !

Good Luck for you're exam !

-Lolita Sisters
" We will always support you ! "

Gothic Mansion is Leaving

      Hello there ! There's a bad news that I want to tell you. And the bad news is....... Gothic Mansion is Leaving on the 1st of September. I very loves this room. I got the clothes in my AG account. I wish I can log in and wear the clothes.

There are Red & Purple Gacha for this theme. Both colors are perfect for Gothic Lovers, right?! You must check out these rare items as well !
The golden birdcage filled with roses are especially rare! So consider yourself luck if you get this one! Collect them all and show your friends!! You can get this ONLY IN GACHA !

Also, you should definitely take a look at Vivianne’s Shop!! She will help you make your own Gothic Mansion! More items are available in Gacha & Shop!

Go there and bought down the clothes before it was leave !! 


Monday 22 August 2011

Western Gacha/Shop

The Western Park is In Ameba Pico ! 

Wow ! I never though that Western Park was in Pico. I really love the gacha and the shop action but although I love it I also can't buy it. X_X Do you love the red dress ? I wish I can wear on it..... - dreaming about it -

Items of the Gacha : 

Better check out the cool items ! I think you will love it.

Have a good Cowboy Life ! 
HeeHaw !! 


Sunday 21 August 2011

Friend Request ~ :O

       Wow~! Today I already received 6 Friend Requests in Facebook. I already told that please leave a massage for me so that I can confirm. I'm so sorry if I ignore it. I don't really add many randoms that I din't know them. So.. sorry. 

     I wish you can do it. Thanks for understand it. 


Fake Page

      Hello friends ! We would like to ask you about do you saw a Fake Page that named " See More " ? I think you will be angry to see it when you clicked the button. 

After you clicked the button that wrote " You just got owne... " you will see another new window.

*Click the picture to view larger*

In this window, you will saw you're name at there. I used my Facebook so I saw my name. Eh ! I'm not Mr. I'm a girl. I could be Mrs. And, I'm not married ! Do you din't about the people that created this page owner's grammar so bad ? xD. 

But I never though that the page Likes so many ! 

So many rite ? I never though that the blog that same with this have so many Likes. If you really want to visit it this blog, just click the link below : 

Saturday 20 August 2011

My Pico Life With Friends

     Well, just now I just created a video about my Pico Life. Maybe the video is not so good cuz I din't really know to add many things T_T. Please don't mind it. And please watch it.


Friday 19 August 2011

Travel with sisters

    I'm so boring just now. I invited Angel, Christine and Christina to taking pics together.

To Angel : 

Angel will always be my best sis. Although she scolded me or not. 


Summer Time ~ !

      Just now, Joane,Christine and I went to Summer Area to take pics.


Photo Contest The last day !

     These a few days, I saw many Pico users was busy for taking pics for the Photo Contest ( P.C. ).

The final day’s theme was “Confess your unforgiving love!

~Yesterday’s photo~

This picture is taken by Pico ID: $KαQ-۩-belle$. Even though the couple don’t live in the same world, they decides to build a new bridge to be together ! How romantic is it !!!!Congratulation !! The winner received 1000 AG ! 


Get Limited Hawaiian Item !

     Hi there ! Visited the Summer Area ? 

In tribute to the release of these amazing Hawaiian items
We are having AG Campaign!!! YEAH! You’ll get Hawaiian Jewelry Box !


If you buy a total of 1000 AG within this period, you will receive a message from Chloe on your screen!! Then, check your closet for the special item!!
*You have to reload your screen after you make a purchase

Remember, this campaign is only for 10 days!
So don’t miss your chance to get this limited item!!


1. Only one item is given out when you buy a total of 1000 AmebaGold within the days of this campaign.
*You do not have to purchase 1000 AmebaGold in one time.

2. When you buy a total of 1000 AmebaGold, you will receive a message from Chloe. Please accept our apology that even if you respond to the message, we will not be able to reach you back.

3. This campaign will end at 23:59 GMT. So please make sure you buy 1000 AmebaGold by then.

How to get AmebaGold

*Facebook Users:

*Non-Facebook Users:

Buy AmebaGold, get the limited item, and brag about it to your Pico friends !!!

-Lolita Sisters
Asuka_Joan x Asuka_Joane 

Hawaiian Resort Gacha/Shop !

     Do you love Summer ? Pico has just released a new Summer Area ! 
Already went to there ? Isn't so hot ? 

Of course there also have a shop and a gacha. Some of the shop items are gummies. But, there's also a cool item that you can buy with your gummies. And you need 5,000 gummies to buy it the cool chair !

Items : 

Gacha :

The rare item is Hawaiian Square Tub !! Feels like you’re really in Hawaii, right ?!
