Friday 9 September 2011

Banned Pico for Room Expand/Add Cheat

    There's a hottest news that we're going to tell to our readers today ! Do you ever heard about Free Rooms in Ameba Pico World ? YES,I do! One of my friend know to make more than 4 rooms without AG. I was surprise to hear it well.  Hm..... Let's says 6 peoples who got their Room 5 and some of them got Room 6. When you entered their/your Room5, Room6 or more, you will feel that you are entering to a secret room. 

     YES ! I know that it's sound so good ! But isn't safe for us ? I think this question I'll answer you correctly. If you bought a room, you can't delete it anymore and the room will stay at there forever. Even thought that you scare banned. Just check out the Official Guide now ! You will saw a Banned Post. 

 " Dear Pico Users,
We are getting reports that some people are using Cheat Tools to      expand/add their rooms. This is strictly against our policy, and those people who attempt to cheat will be banned from the service. For this reason, we are temporary stopping the expand/add function. Thank you for understanding. "

- Pico Staff

     Saw it the post right now ? So just waiting for Banned ? Maybe you will think about deleting the others rooms. But can't delete it right ? The best things to do is..... do another facebook ? But you're clothes, furniture and you're AmebaGold will be gone.  

-Lolita Sisters
Asuka_Joan x Asuka_Joane

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