Monday 20 June 2011

Crystals Kingdom

Hola ! I'm Joan. Just now, I read a special story called " Dora saves Crystal Kingdom. "  Do you want to hear it too ?

This is the story began :

Once upon a time there were four crystals that helped to light the Crystal Kingdom. The yellow crystal made the sun shine yellow. The blue one made the sky and ocean blue. 

The green one made the grass and threes green. And the red crystal joined the other colours to make a beautiful rainbow ! The townspeople loved colourful world.

But the king didn't like sharing the crystals. " Mine, mine, mine ! " said the greedy king He used his magic wand and took all the crystals. Without the crystals, the town lost all its wonderful colour! But the king would not return the crystals. Instead he hid them in other stories where no one could find them !

A brave girl named Allie wanted to rescue the crystals. She searched all over, but they were nowhere to be found. Look ! My crystal necklace is flashing ! It's shining a rainbow into the kingdom where Allie lives !

Allie is flying out of her story and into our forest ! She needs our help ! The Snow Princess says my magic crystal will shine only if there's still colour in Allie's kingdom. We need to help Allie find the Crystals to keep her home shining ! said Dora.....

How will we find the crystals ? Let's find at map ! Map says the yellow crystal is in The Dragon Land Story, the green one is in The Butterfly Cave Story, the blue one is in The Magic Castle Story, and the red crystal is in The Crystal Kingdom Story ! We've got to jump into my storybook to get all the crystals ! said Dora .         " la primera historia " to get us into the first story.

It worked ! There are lots of dragons here. We must be in The Dragon Land Story. The Snow Princess has another message for us. She says to find the yellow crystal, we must save a fighting knight.

There's a knight fighting a dragon ! But that's a friendly dragon ! We need to lasso the sword away from the knight. Backpack has a rope we can use to lasso the sword. Say " lasso" to help Dora lasso the sword !

The knight and dragon are happy that they have stopped fighting. And the dragon knows where the yellow crystal is hidden ! He saw the king put it inside a cliff.

Whoosh ! The dragon is using his fire to blast open the cliff ! We can see the yellow crystal ! But so does the king ! He wants to steal the crystal, but the knight raises her shield and blocks his spell ! Yay ! We all worked together to get the yellow crystal. And the knight is giving us her shield to help us with her rest of our journey ! 

Next, we need to find the green crystal in The Butterfly Cave Story. Say " la segunda historia " to get us into the second story.

We're here in The Butterfly Cave Story ! Uh-oh ! My crystal is losing colour ! said Dora. That means is fading from the kingdom. We've got to get that green crystal fast ! 

There's a caterpillar, and she's stuck ! The Snow Princess says we can save her by shining sun into the cave. What do we have that's shiny ? The shield ! The sunlight is helping the caterpillar trun into a butterfly. Now she can take us to the crystal !

The green crystal is inside the twelfth cocoon. We found the green crystal. Oooh ! The butterflies are hatching from the cocoons. And they're giving us each a pair of magic butterfly wings to help us on our adventure ! 

Now, we've to find the blue crystal in the Magic Castle Story. Say " la tercera historia " to get into the third story ! 

The king took Enrique's bunnies from his magic hat and put the crystal inside it. Then he locked Enrique out of the castle ! We need to find five Enrique's lost bunnies.

We use our butterfly wings to fly up through a castle window ! To get the crystal out of the magic hat, we have to say " Abracadabra ". Allie has the yellow,green and blue crystals now. Enrique give us magic wand to help on our adventure.

All we need the red crystal to save the Crystal Kingdom ! To get us into fourth story, say " la cuarta historia !"

We're in Allie's Kingdom, but it's still losing colour ! And so is my necklace ! The Snow Princess says that we have to use what we have to learnt to get the red crystal from the king.

The greedy king has the crystal in his crown ! What can we use fly up to him ? Right ! Our butterfly wings ! Whoa ! Rocks are coming at us ! What can we use to blocks the rocks ? Yeah, the shield !

The king doesn't want to share his crystals. He's trying to take them from Allie with his magic wand ! To break the king's spell with our magic wand, we need to say " share ! " It's worked ! We have got the red crystal !

The colour is coming back to Crystal Kingdom ! We did it ! The king is surprised that we are sharing the crystals. He sees that everyone is happy, and he wants yo be happy too. Wow ! The king gives Allie his crown and makes her the queen ! 

The town is throwing a party to celebrate the return of the crystals ! The king is so happy that he learned how to share.

~ The End ~

This is the best story I ever saw it ! 
I wish you like it too !


- Lolita Sisters

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