Monday 27 June 2011

Runing Day

I can't wait for July2 ! cuz every school will run a kampung. The headmaster said the kampung near the forest so he call us carefully. Maybe has the pig that lives in forest come out can eat us. Isn't it funny ? LOL. I wish that day will be very happy. And delete all sad things that in my brain.

This is my old pic. I love it but........


My Doggy

I'm so sad today. I scare I cant log in my facebook. And I cant log in my Pico too ! Means I cant see my pet dog , my dresses , the friends that i added at there and my big room. I very love my pet. I'm so sad. Sometimes I din't play with my pet I always went and find my friends and put my dog at home. If i cant log in, wish my dog also has a good doggy life ! ^.^



Sorry for your prepare for the photo contest. I think we will cancel it. Too many things happens with my sis. Sorry guys ! Wish you can join next time. Thank You for your prepare. ^_^

~ I will be busy ! So I din post it our post long...... ! ~


Royal Wedding Room and Gacha !

Hi guys ! Joane Here !

June Bride event is coming to an end… but can’t end this event without these items!!!

Royal Wedding Gacha

The RARE items are Royal Dresser, Dress, and Veil! There are collection prizes as well!
Roll the Gacha for you to have the perfect Royal Wedding !
There is a special Royal Room for these items ! Come enjoy !
Have a royal Pico Life !!!



Bad Bad Bad ! I just has a few dress in my another account ! Badly..............

~ Short Post Only ! ~ 
Don't mind my dress !! ^_^ """


Log In

I can't in my account cuz people tried too many times to log in my email. I can't in now. Bad Day. Many things happened these days. And I gonna exams. Badly. And I wanna Thx to my sis for the wishes. I also wish her has a nice day. >.-

" Wish I can log in my facebook safely tommorow. 
And wish my sis has a nice day ! >.-

Good Luck Sis

My sis told me she already change her password ! And the hacker cant in ! But, another people is trying to in her hotmail. The people tried too many password and now she cant in ! Bad ! If she cant in ever she will use her another account. Her another account also know as ♥Asuka_Jenies♥ . But this account din't has AmebaGold. She's confused about these days. And no longer she will has exams. I'm sad too cuz I can't help her. I just can wish her good luck and wish her can open her facebook tommorow. :D

~ Good Luck Sis ! I wish you will open your facebook tommorow ! ~


Hackers In Pico

Huh ! My sis was hacked by a girl who named ♥Nam♥Ham♥. WTF ! So many hackers in Pico. I din't know what happened ! I din't only for long time yesterday ! I just online for half an hour ! The girl told my sis she din't hack my sis ! She's leaning ? Many people feel that the girl hacked my sis ! But she said she din't. UNGH ! So many hackers in Pico. All hackers was leaning.  

~ Also ! ~

Lately there has been users stealing other people’s Pico ID by asking for login e-mail address and password.

Unfortunately Pico cannot do anything about this once it happens.
So please remember the thing below:

1. Never teach others your e-mail login address or your password.
Even to those Picos you know well.

2. Frequently change your passwords, and make them secure.

3. Never buy Ameba Gold from people or places other than Ameba Pico’s official site.

4.  If someone says he/she will give you Ameba Gold, always say ‘no’ and report pico  the person’s Pico name.

Please protect yourself from the hackers and enjoy Pico safely.
So wish you can enjoy your pico life safely.

~ Careful Of Those Fake Hackers ! ~


" Don't lie us your not hackers. Don't be a
 fake loser ! And don't think thoose fake 
idea for leaning us ! " 

Sunday 26 June 2011

Remind You The Photo Contest

Hello guys ! I'm here to remind the photo contest to you ! We din has any photo now ! After take your romantic pic , please post it at our FanPage !

This just a simple photo !


Error Of Pico

I din't why my Pico always error start from just now ! I'm angry of it ! Some of my pico friends told me their Pico always cant on ! But some said their Pico can on ! Isn't the connection problem ? Computer problem ? Or what problem ? I wish I can on start from now ! 


Visited Room ( Part 2 )

I visited Rudy Further's room. His room decor was beautiful. Room 2 is the best ! I love the snow decor of room 2 !

2nd room is ☠★pico★☠'s room. His gold decor was beautiful !

3rd room is tEaYjUnG's room ! I love her teddy bear that create by blocks !

That's all !
I will post more if I visited more beautiful rooms !



When I'm visiting YaSuo's room, I saw Emily was come too ! And we chat a while. We also took a pic !


Pet's Hotel

See it the baby pets in the picture ? 
Isn't it cute ?

I wish I has them all ! 
" I wish my dream will come true ! "


My Pet Dog

See it the picture ! See it ?

That is my pet dog " Asuka YuKi ". Her shortcut name is YuKi. When I'm AFK in Pico and then I come back I saw she was sleeping on my leg !

How cute is she ! I very happy to has a cute doggy. I dream I has a pet same like her in my Pigg account   ! >.< 

That's all ! I just want to present my pet dog for you ~ ♥


Old Friend

~ Just wanna present my old friend to you ~
Her name is " MaLen.. "


Saturday 25 June 2011

Visited Room ( Part 1 )

Boring Day .... I went to ♥キラキラギャル♥'s house and visit it. I very love her pink decor at there. Cuz my favorite colour is pink and more ! And I went there and took some pics.

2nd room is MaiRie's room. I visited and pic at there too !

The 3rd room is Yellow! Étoile 's room. I very love her decor too !

That's all the room that I visited just now. 
I will visit another rooms now ! 


Fake Hacker

~ Fake Hacker ~
I hacked by a people that named Bernieddieth Lim in facebook . But you need to search Bernie. I think she is the girl that call me give her my facebook password .

" I always give people AmebaGold. Wanna AmebaGold ?      ( she asked me ) I will not hack you. Just give me your email and your email password. I don't need your facebook password. Just trust me. I'm not a hacker. "

Then I lie her said this is my sis account. I really don't like to lie. I just want her stop asking ! And she deleted my pics in facebook then she added her pics.

Hιкαяι Yυмιкσ and me try to call her change my facebook password and let me log in. But she kicked us. That time, I think I will call to facebook. But Hιкαяι Yυмιкσ's dad said " If you call to facebook it will not solve this. " Bad at here. If I call to facebook also nothing can help me. Cuz she log in my facebook then log in my Pico. 

And Hιкαяι Yυмιкσ's dad helped me solve it. I really happy when I can log in my facebook. I jsut wanna said Thank You to he.

~ Thx For helping me ~

" Don't think do like this will log in my
 facebook. I will think many things to solve it ! "

Fuck Princess !

I was at the Japanese Wedding that in Orin's Shop. And I was so surprise when I saw the shop has the same things that in Pigg ! 

~ The Fuck Princess ~

My daughter and I also went to Edo and we took long time for waiting the fuck princess. Actually we already have a star. But we're boring and we went there. And when the fuck princess and others come out , they caught me ! 
How bad is this princess !

~ Fake Princess I never see ~

Wednesday 22 June 2011

Bride’s Mate & Best Man Items Updated !

Do you gone to the Wedding Hall ? You better go there. Because there is a lot going on that you can't miss it ! 

Bride’s Mate & Best Man Items

Wear these dresses and suits ! Celebrate your Pico Buddie’s exciting wedding !

Now don’t forget that this shop is available ONLY at this Wedding Hall ,
and closes on JULY 7 . Sold only for a limited time, so be sure to visit the shop !


Tuesday 21 June 2011

Romantic Photo Contest

Hello everyone ! We are Lolita Sisters !

Today, we're here to announcing our photo contest ! This contest open for everyone that in Ameba Pico ! This contest just 1 week. The date is " June 25 , June 26 , June 27 , June28 , June29 ,July1 , July2. The winners will be the greatest Couple in Lolita ! 

* Romantic Wedding Photo Contest *

Just take a picture with your couple . Just at the Wedding Hall !! 

Winners will be posted in our blog and FanPage !

Lolita Romantic Wedding Photo Contest *

  • Date :  June 25 , June 26 , June 27 , June 28 , June 29 , July 1 , July 2 .
  • Announce Date : July 9 ( Saturday )
  • Prize: The couple will be the Greatest Couple in Lolita. The couple will called by Asuka_Joan or Asuka_Joane or Christine. * Only the romantic photo will be choose *
  • How to Join:
  1. Visit our Fanpage at facebook and make sure you " Like " it our FanPage to comment or post your photo on our wall.
  2. Post your photo with your " Ameba Pico Nickname " and don't change it when we din't announce it.
  3. Your picture will be original. 
Don't forgot it 
  1. Post your Pico Nickname with your picture
  2. Don't change your name if we not yet announce it
  3. Your photo will be original !

Monday 20 June 2011

Crystals Kingdom

Hola ! I'm Joan. Just now, I read a special story called " Dora saves Crystal Kingdom. "  Do you want to hear it too ?

This is the story began :

Once upon a time there were four crystals that helped to light the Crystal Kingdom. The yellow crystal made the sun shine yellow. The blue one made the sky and ocean blue. 

The green one made the grass and threes green. And the red crystal joined the other colours to make a beautiful rainbow ! The townspeople loved colourful world.

But the king didn't like sharing the crystals. " Mine, mine, mine ! " said the greedy king He used his magic wand and took all the crystals. Without the crystals, the town lost all its wonderful colour! But the king would not return the crystals. Instead he hid them in other stories where no one could find them !

A brave girl named Allie wanted to rescue the crystals. She searched all over, but they were nowhere to be found. Look ! My crystal necklace is flashing ! It's shining a rainbow into the kingdom where Allie lives !

Allie is flying out of her story and into our forest ! She needs our help ! The Snow Princess says my magic crystal will shine only if there's still colour in Allie's kingdom. We need to help Allie find the Crystals to keep her home shining ! said Dora.....

How will we find the crystals ? Let's find at map ! Map says the yellow crystal is in The Dragon Land Story, the green one is in The Butterfly Cave Story, the blue one is in The Magic Castle Story, and the red crystal is in The Crystal Kingdom Story ! We've got to jump into my storybook to get all the crystals ! said Dora .         " la primera historia " to get us into the first story.

It worked ! There are lots of dragons here. We must be in The Dragon Land Story. The Snow Princess has another message for us. She says to find the yellow crystal, we must save a fighting knight.

There's a knight fighting a dragon ! But that's a friendly dragon ! We need to lasso the sword away from the knight. Backpack has a rope we can use to lasso the sword. Say " lasso" to help Dora lasso the sword !

The knight and dragon are happy that they have stopped fighting. And the dragon knows where the yellow crystal is hidden ! He saw the king put it inside a cliff.

Whoosh ! The dragon is using his fire to blast open the cliff ! We can see the yellow crystal ! But so does the king ! He wants to steal the crystal, but the knight raises her shield and blocks his spell ! Yay ! We all worked together to get the yellow crystal. And the knight is giving us her shield to help us with her rest of our journey ! 

Next, we need to find the green crystal in The Butterfly Cave Story. Say " la segunda historia " to get us into the second story.

We're here in The Butterfly Cave Story ! Uh-oh ! My crystal is losing colour ! said Dora. That means is fading from the kingdom. We've got to get that green crystal fast ! 

There's a caterpillar, and she's stuck ! The Snow Princess says we can save her by shining sun into the cave. What do we have that's shiny ? The shield ! The sunlight is helping the caterpillar trun into a butterfly. Now she can take us to the crystal !

The green crystal is inside the twelfth cocoon. We found the green crystal. Oooh ! The butterflies are hatching from the cocoons. And they're giving us each a pair of magic butterfly wings to help us on our adventure ! 

Now, we've to find the blue crystal in the Magic Castle Story. Say " la tercera historia " to get into the third story ! 

The king took Enrique's bunnies from his magic hat and put the crystal inside it. Then he locked Enrique out of the castle ! We need to find five Enrique's lost bunnies.

We use our butterfly wings to fly up through a castle window ! To get the crystal out of the magic hat, we have to say " Abracadabra ". Allie has the yellow,green and blue crystals now. Enrique give us magic wand to help on our adventure.

All we need the red crystal to save the Crystal Kingdom ! To get us into fourth story, say " la cuarta historia !"

We're in Allie's Kingdom, but it's still losing colour ! And so is my necklace ! The Snow Princess says that we have to use what we have to learnt to get the red crystal from the king.

The greedy king has the crystal in his crown ! What can we use fly up to him ? Right ! Our butterfly wings ! Whoa ! Rocks are coming at us ! What can we use to blocks the rocks ? Yeah, the shield !

The king doesn't want to share his crystals. He's trying to take them from Allie with his magic wand ! To break the king's spell with our magic wand, we need to say " share ! " It's worked ! We have got the red crystal !

The colour is coming back to Crystal Kingdom ! We did it ! The king is surprised that we are sharing the crystals. He sees that everyone is happy, and he wants yo be happy too. Wow ! The king gives Allie his crown and makes her the queen ! 

The town is throwing a party to celebrate the return of the crystals ! The king is so happy that he learned how to share.

~ The End ~

This is the best story I ever saw it ! 
I wish you like it too !


- Lolita Sisters

Wedding Hall

Hello everyone ! This is Joan . Looks like everyone is getting excited for the June Bride Event ! Today, I have a super exciting announcement about the Sacred Hall…

 France Area 

Pico have decorated the Sacred Hall to a Wedding Hall ! Come come out this   area ! 

Limited furniture are sold ONLY in this area ! Of course, this area is out only for limited time ! Enjoy the wedding hall while you can ! (~7/7)

Not only is there a shop , but also a fashion item wedding Gacha ! The RARE item is the Blissful Wedding Cake !


These fashion items are available ONLY with this Gacha ! So better come and check it out now ! Here is how
you can go to the area ! 


[Invite Event] Ask Your Friends for Wedding Items !

There is another event regarding Wedding Items!! It’s Friend Invites Event!!

Ask your friend to accept the request if you want to get
Bridal Flower Pot or Bridal Rose Bracelet !!!

Also !!

This is for limited time only ! Try to ask your friends by June 30th !!

You also can send a request for me in facebook !
Just write a note so that we can accept it ! 

Have a fantastic Bridal Pico life!!


Get the Special Wedding Items !

Hello guys ! This is Joan.
Today, I have an interesting news for all of you !

In tribute to the opening of Sacred Hall area , Pico are doing AG Campaign
with special June Bride item !! Of course, this item is super special that you can
only get with this campaign !!


If you buy a total of 500 AG within this period , you will receive a message from Chloe on your screen !! Then , check your closet for the special item !!
*You have to reload your screen after you make a purchase

Remember, this campaign is only for 9 days !
So don’t miss your chance to get this limited item !!


1. Only one item is given out when you buy a total of 500 AmebaGold within the days of this campaign.
*You do not have to purchase 500 AmebaGold in one time.

2. When you buy a total of 500 AmebaGold, you will receive a message from Chloe. Please accept our apology that even if you respond to the message, we will not be able to reach you back.

3. This campaign will end at 23:59 GMT. So please make sure you buy 500 AmebaGold by then.

How to get AmebaGold

*Facebook Users :

*Non-Facebook Users :

Buy AmebaGold and get the limited item, and brag about it to your Pico friends !!!

Have a Great Pico Life !!


Sunday 19 June 2011

Happy Father's Day

Today was Father's Day ! And dad was online while I'm playing Pico ! I took some picture with my dad too ! Bad is .... Christine and others members was not online and Christine said she always eror that time ! " Sorry dad~ They can't take pic with you . " We celebrate at my friend's house.

Thank You for borrowing your house to me ! I wish next year Christine and other members can join it ! ~

-Lolita Sisters 
Asuka_Joan x Asuka_Joane

Friday 17 June 2011

Get Ready for the Wedding Party !

 Wedding Reception Party Items !!

-Announcement by RinaRina

Have you all gone to the Sacred Hall ? Hope you had lots of fun !
Well today, I have a happy announcement from the RinaRina Shop !!


Come and take a look  ! All of them are soooo cute and lovely  !!
Here is how you can come to RinaRina's shop !!!


Be the most outstanding girl at the coming up wedding party !! 

Have a fancy Pico Life !!!

♥ Asuka_Joan ♥

Wedding Surprise Gift Box !!

Have you all gone to the Sacred Hall in France ?
It seems like this area will be decorated into a Wedding taste soon !
I'm so excited to has this area ! It's very beautiful at there ! I very like it that place !! 

As a PRE celebration of a wedding party, Surprise Gift Box will be released !!

When you buy these boxes
something LUCKY will happen on 6/30!!!

1. You will receive a surprise item for every Gift Box you purchase.
2. If you collect all 3 gift boxes , you will also get a bonus item !

These Surprise Gift Boxes will be sold until 6/29 !!
Collect as many as you can for more surprise items !

Here is how you can go to the area :

Wish you get surprise items , Good Luck !!

-♥ Asuka_Joan ♥